When searching the database think about the different keywords and vocabulary associated with your topic and try MULTIPLE searches and databases
Keep your searches SIMPLE to start; the MORE search terms in your search the FEWER results you'll get
Use PHRASE searching when searching for multi-word terms to improve your results. This involves putting your search words in quotation marks when you search so the database searches for the terms together as a phrase. EXAMPLES:
"Dodd Frank"
"cap and trade"
"money market funds"
LIMIT your results to specific time periods and dates using the FILTERS, LIMITERS, and ADVANCED SEARCH features
Research Library is a truly multidisciplinary resource featuring a diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and other timely sources across the top 150 subject areas.
Research Library provides access to a wide range of the core academic titles, from business and the sciences to literature and politics. The database expands daily and currently includes more than 6,000 titles, 75% of which are available in full text.
Ebook Central has been integrated into ProQuest Ressearch Library for a more seamless search experience! More than 130,000 scholarly books that are easy to access online and in full text. Browse by subjects – literature, social sciences, life sciences, engineering and technology – or use the search box.